Category: Lahiri and Yukteshwara

Good Friday – The lost significance.

It is very difficult and rare to find a soul who is truly interested in God and God alone.  The 12 disciples (apostles if you insist), Mary and a few others were genuinely interested in God.  They devoted themselves and their life to God.   First the story of Good Friday. After the last meal, Jesus …

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General statements

Just a few general statements 1) Dont wish that you could do good things to those who need.  When you wish to do good, you are also subconsciously wishing that someone be in need.  Instead, God will send you people automatically if they need help but never wish that you could help.  Also help them when  …

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Desires and Satisfying the Senses

As I have written in my previous logs, Vishnutirthji Maharaj told me a few months ago, that the Gita for a yogi is Devatma shakti.  I compare God talks with Arjuna, written by Paramhansa Yogananda like it is the Vedas and devatma shakti is the Gita or smaller excerpt of it. In Devatma Shakti, Maharaj …

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The path of Yoga (union wih God)

When I use the word Yoga, many people have the vision of someone chanting Om om or sitting in various Yogic postures or doing breathing exercise.  Those things are a small part of Yoga.  The true meaning of Yoga means to be united with God.  Choose whatever path that suits your fancy but the fastest …

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Anahata Chakra, Ramal Vidya, The book – the secret

There is some truth to the book “the secret”  However, it is extremely rare for anyone to go to the depth that is needed to practice it.   In order to even BEGIN to get to the secret, one has to be able to take his prana to the Anahata Chakra and MAINTAIN it there.  Just …

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Sankalpa, Determination, Wish, Desire and Tapa

It is sad that even the more “advanced” disciples do not know what Sankalpa is.  I would like to clarify these terms one after the other. Wish – I generally equate wish as something that is fleeting. For eg. your walking, it is a hot sunny afternooon and you see your favorite ice cream, you suddenly …

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Several points

This is mostly a reminder for me to write on the following points 1) Murcha pranayama 2) Location of gunas – explain the difference as described by Yogananda and Gurudev 3) The chakras and the nadis and how the petals of the chakras which are actually rays of light relate with the sahastrar 4) The …

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SRF – Yogananda’s favorite story and Three Gunas, Difference in Surrender and yielding

One of the favorite stories Yogananda used to relate was the story of 2 frogs stuck in a pot full of milk.  They both tried to get out of the pot but could not.  After a while one frog gave up (yielded) and drowned.  The other frog kept persisting and in his or her effort …

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