February 5 2009

There is something very physical that turns over. The yogis called it turning over of the Kundalini and according to Aurobindo that is birth of the psychic. When this happens, we see yellow, green and white light in the upper part and black and red light in the lower half. The 5 lights, in yogic terms refer to the 5 tattvas.When this happens you dont see theforce but you are in the force. This is the beginning of Sayama. (from Muktashastra the description of Dhyana). At this point the breathing is down to 9 finger breaths.

Remember, acording to Patanjali, Chitta vritti nirodha iti yoga. Meaning being able to control the chitta is yoga. When in this force, when there is this reversal or turning over of the kundalini we finally have the force to control the chitta.This is no longer an imagination. This is the beginning of yoga. This very force can truly still the prana. Once the prana is stilled, the heart no longer has to work or beat. Once perfected, one can go in Samadhi – the body finally lifeless to the observer but fully awake within! This is not imagination but something which must be realized. At this time, breathing is down to 6 finger breaths!

Besides being able to control the prana, we finally begin to understand karma and the effect of karma. This is the beginning of Yoga.

A stage comes when the dream world is actually felt to be within you. Initially it is felt to be in your head!. The whole universe is within you and is within your head. (I do not mean this as an imagination or as a play of words). The world is within you but you are not part of the world! What a paradox! This is the meaning of Shiva linga puja! That is the stage where one can understand Shiva Manas puja – there is a line therein which says, Puja te Vishaya upbhoga rachana meaning prayer is to enjoy the wordly pleasures!

When in that stage, we begin to learn that all seemingly opposite statements are the same! For eg. God can only be reached by those who strive for him. God can only be reached by those who make no effort!

This force, this place, this reversal of consciousness, this new birth, whatever you want to call it is addicting. Once you are there, you want to go there again and again. It is intoxicating! It gives you a buzz, just like alcohol and drugs can do. It gives joy to the mind. This makes me wonder, was the person who wrote Star Trek Generations – the movie about Nexxus was he inspired?

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