15 Nov 2019 archive


So is there God? Just the divine self? Who casts the grace? There is God when you don’t know yourself This puny ego which you call your self needs that Grace. Why disgrace yourself? Why get stuck in that ego? What a fool! John 10:34 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, …

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So is there God? Just the divine self? Who casts the grace? There is God when you don’t know yourself This puny ego which you call your self needs that Grace. Why disgrace yourself? Why get stuck in that ego? What a fool! Know ye not that your

Why do 99.999 % don’t make progress?

Because they have ego The biggest ego is thinking they know and understand Even these blogs – there is a sentence from day Ramana maharshi. Or Yogananda What do I do ? I write an understanding / explanation / expound on what they say or meant. Worse still is when we try to correct what …

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A good reminder

The Searcher of Hearts wants only your sincere love. He is like a little child: someone may offer Him his whole wealth and He doesn’t want it; and another cries to Him, “O Lord, I love you!” and into that devotee’s heart He comes running. Don’t seek God with any ulterior motive, but pray to …

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Top 3 books by Yogananda

Someone assured this question My reply was Depends on what level you are at and what you seek Smoothest book – the divine Romance Wow book – how to talk with God Sheer Yoga – God talks with Arjuna Intellectual book – science of religion Talking about books there is a nice book by Donald …

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This is what Yogananda said Why forgive one who wrongs you? Because if you angrily strike back you misrepresent your own divine soul nature — you are no better than your offender. But if you manifest spiritual strength you are blessed, and the power of your righteous behavior will also help the other person to overcome his …

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