An encouraging statement from Yogananda

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If you read God talks with Arjuna there is a statement made by Yogananda

It made me sad but it is also an encouraging sign

Yogananda taught jyoti mudra and aum technique and hangso methods

Now of course it is not entirely explained by him. But a start.

So what did he say?

This is what he said – the sound of aum is heard very early during meditation

I have asked many people. Do they hear aum. Most of them are honest and say no. Some who are skilful in the art of self deception say or think yes. But when I ask them in detail what they heard , it is obvious it was more imagination than reality

And before aum one generally hears beautiful music there are many types but 10 most common musical instruments

And those are early signs

Made me sad ! Where are we?

Or should I be happy? Once someone has it it is easy to go within. Samadhi is in reach !why carry airpods

Wake up. Go deeper within. Be genuine. Don’t be eager to think you have progressed. First you have to leave your town to go to himalayas, isn’t it? Get out of your ego generated illusion of progress

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