28 May 2020 archive

Vyadha Gita

There are many Gita. The Gita that most people quote is Bhagvad Gita. But there is Ram Gita, Avdhoot Gita, Vyadha Gita, Uttar Gita, etc Gita in sanskrit means song. This is the celestial songs, which the greatest sages have made. These savants cannot be mimicked and everything else that people write is merely an …

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Someone posed a question – the blogs of top secret shakti and a big book – are they contradictory? I described in detail about awakening of shakti. The long course with multiple levels of awakening But in the next breath I say all you need is silence the mind and what is left is pure …

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Sincere souls!

“I can give my life for a sincere Soul” “”””””””””””””””””””””””‘””‘””””””” I can give my life for a sincere Soul, but insincer souls I stay away from. I am never insincere with anyone, and that is the way we all should live in this world. We must be fearless, sincer, surrounded not only with those whom …

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A big book!

When you can’t understand things you need an explanation If you still can’t get it you need a bigger book and a book on the explanation If you still can’t get it you need an encyclopedia But a smart person gets it in one word Shivohum. You are shiv. Now it creates all the problems! …

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Top secret – Shakti

Since this is top secret – my description will be very incomplete too So, if you are a con artist and want to impress a lot of people or your a magician, and you want to fool people, what do you do? You create an aura of mystery, let the audience fill in the gaps …

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An old repost

“Sundere sundero ram sundere sunderi katha Sundere sunderi sita sundere Kim na sunderem” This verse says most beautiful is Ram and Sita and their story That’s why Sunderkand is very beautiful. This is a chapter in Ramadan The real reason is Sunderkand has detailed yoga related instruction written in a very cryptic way. Hanuman flies …

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