Star Trek Voyager season 3

So in this particular season there was an episode called “ sacred ground”

In this episode Captain Janeway is tested. She is a scientist and does not believe In anything spiritual. It’s all Mumbo jumbo. She is forced to go through spiritual indoctrination to save a crew mate.

Interesting episode. Captain Janeway went through a lot. A lot of spiritual tests. More than once. And what were the tests – whatever she had anticipated in her own mind! When she thought she would get hurt. She did. When she thought it was a test for patience that’s what she got.

Now is this what happens in our life? In our spiritual endeavors? In the final step it is. That’s when we wake up. The devil was our own mind. The challenges were situations what deep down our mind says it should Be.

Of course there are other challenges which come karma. That can’t be changed

You always were the divine soul. You just chose to identify as body. You may hear this and say you’re the divine. But we can’t get past the bodily senses of desires.

Again You is not you. Just General challenges for all.

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